Create a visual reference for the different stitches on your machine and how they look with different widths and length options.

My current obsession is bra making. I love the detail and the fact that all the pattern pieces are so small and functional, they each have their own job to do in making the bra fit and perform as it should. Stitch width and length is important to both the structure and the look of the finished garment!
I now use the zig zig stitch and the three step zig zag stitch a great deal for these intricate garments and I am constantly experimenting with stitch width and length.

To save me some time I spent a few minutes making some samples to show how the different stitch lengths and widths look on my most used stitches. I wanted to have a quick visual reference to help me decide which stitch width and length I should select for differing elastic widths etc. Of course all machines are different and have different settings.

I thought I would share this with you! Why not create your own.