There are 2 ways of answering this question, one is to list absolutely everything that you could possibly need to buy to begin your journey as a pattern cutter. The other way is to list the absolute essentials you could begin with now. When you first start a new hobby it can be motivational to buy all new equipment, but what happens if you don’t like it or you don’t want to spend too much all at once? Below I will give you both scenarios and you can take it from there!
The items highlighted are the ones I feel you could get away with if you want to give pattern making a try but don’t want to break the bank.
The Dream List
- Good quality pattern cutting paper – spot and cross or plain tracing or both
- Manila drafting paper – to draft basic block on- slightly heavier than the paper.
- Some heavy card or plastic sheeting to make copies of your basic blocks
- A set square to help make right angles and mark angles
- A clear ruler to add seam allowance and measure small sections
- A pattern master – a special ruler for marking seam allowance and drawing pattern lines
- A flexi curve – to allow you to copy curves and transfer them to other pattern areas
- French curves to help draw curves such as armholes and necklines
- A good pair of paper scissors
- A 3H pencil
- An eraser as you WILL make mistakes
- Some colour pencils or marking pens to highlight special areas
- A tape measure – not a fabric one
- Sellotape or masking tape or both
- Some dressmaking pins
- A meter rule for marking long lines
- A tracing wheel – there are many types – to trace patterns
- A cutting board to place under your patterns when tracing
- Push Pins to secure patterns to the cutting board
- Pattern weights to hold patterns down
- Letter template – to apply annotations to your patterns
- A pattern notcher – to cut out a notch in your paper pattern
- Pattern Drill or Awl – for making small drill holes to mark dart ends etc
- Pattern Punch – to make holes in the pattern so they can be hung
- Pattern Hooks – to hang your patterns from
- A notebook for recording what you have done and any changes required
- A dress stand – to apply your patterns to to see how they fit together
- A set of basic blocks ( we supply these) if you don’t want to draft your own blocks to start with.
- Quarter or half scale blocks to practice with, so you can save paper!
Subscribers can gain access to my free scaled blocks to use for practice – head over to the subscribers and enter the password you were sent when you subscribed!
Phew! I think that’s it. If you can think of anything else then please let me know. I must say that as a professional pattern cutter I use most of the above at some point in the pattern making process, but not all the time.
There are many fancy pattern masters and pattern cutting rulers out there. My favorite tool is a clear set square, but you can get away with a regular clear perspex ruler.
Join me on YouTube and follow my series on moving darts, it’s a great place to start!
Happy Pattern Cutting!
Nicola x