What is neck width? In the diagram above you can see that I have extended the Center Back (CB) and Center Front (CF) upwards and squared a line from each shoulder point – the measurement of this line is the neck width. As you can see above the back neck width is wider than the front neck width. Is this normal you may ask, and the answer is yes -it’s perfectly normal, in fact a sign of a well balanced neckline. In this post we will go on to look at the reasons for this difference and how this information can help your bust fitting.
Let’s first understand what the implications to fit are if the back neck width (BNW) is NOT wider that the front neck width (FNW). The answer to this is that the front neck will gape. My example block above is somewhat of an extreme example as it’s a contour fitted block that needs to fit really well at the above bust area. It’s a block designed for corsets and fitted garments and it needs to be snug! I have also designed this block to accommodate a C cup, so this adjustment actually makes that ‘difference’ between the BNW and the FNW wider still.
You can see in the image above how we can measure the back and front neck widths and compare them, here we are only measuring half, so of course you would need to double these quantities for the total neck widths.
In a block for a B cup (standard fitting block), the average difference between the two widths, meaning how much the BNW is wider than the FNW is generally around 6mm to 10mm – however this ‘difference’ will increase if you are fitting a larger bust or have fit issues and a gaping front neckline area, or a garment that does not sit well above the bust level. We are very concave above our bust level at the front and there can often be fit issues here when trying to fit a larger cup size.
Let’s take a look at an adjustment we can make to accommodate a full bust and get a better fit above the bust level, you may have already made a full bust adjustment and are still having fit issues, or your block may simply be gaping at the neck and not sitting correctly, here is a simple adjustment you can try.
First I am going to close out the dart at the shoulder, as a temporary measure to allow me to make the fit adjustment with no dart in place, it can be pivoted back after.

With the dart out of the way, now we are clear to make the FNW adjustment.

Plan the cut lines as shown on the front block above – we are going to cut this section of the block and move it over to the right to reduce the front neck width even more, this is a minor adjustment and I would advise doing it in stages, particularly with the block I am using above as it has already been fine tuned for a close fit above the bust.
What we are doing here is reducing the front neck width even more, for a larger cup size, the maximum adjustment I would recommend would be a total neck width adjustment of 1.25 cm (half an inch) to a regular block, or pattern you are working on. It’s always best to make these adjutments slowly and keep checking the fit.
Here we are essentially ‘fine tuning’ the fit, this can be a solution if the bust fits well for you, but the neckline is still not fitting as you would like it.

Here you can see that we have reduced the front neck width, we would now need to trace off this pattern section and smooth out the armhole as we have a tiny ‘jog’ at the armhole curve. Please note that these small fit adjustments do not effect the fit of the back at all. having made these changes you can now pivot the temporary dart back to the shoulder if you like.

I hope this post has helped a little. You may find all this slighly confusing if you have not read my previous posts on bust adjusment, It’s a popular topic for me and you can find lots more information in this series of posts on fitting at the bust!
Happy sewing and pattern making,

this is good Nicola as my neck always gapes as I have a DD cup (I think).
I messaged you before re: how do you measure bust size. do you measure upper bust, at bust or under bust to get an accurate cup size and how do YOU determine cup size.
also, which “size” of block do you use ie upper bust, at bust or under bust.
Hi Ramilla, I am please the post helped. Bust is always a good starting point, but as you will have read in my posts, if you have a small skeletal frame then it is best to use the over bust measurement and do a FBA – It is best to experiment with the options yourself as what suits me may not suit you and your individual needs. Bust and bra fitting is a very complex area and takes a great deal of time and patience and experimentations to master. Good luck in your quest for the perfect fit.
This series is so helpful! I have been learning to sew bras and I have learned so much about my measurements, but have been very frustrated fitting woven tops to myself. These topics are exactly what I need!! My bust span is only 6” and most patterns I have account for an 8” span. I also have narrow shoulders and the necklines always gape and are too wide. I think I’m going to have to start using a size smaller than my upper bust measures into and do an FBA to get the fit I want! One question is, if I have to reduce pattern height in between shoulder and bust point, should that be done prior to moving the bust point, darts, etc?
Hi Kristen, I am pleased you are finding my blog helpful. Yes I would first reduce the length between the shoulder and the BP, then you can work on the darts without having to go back and make more alterations.